Friday, 5 April 2013

Over £4,000!

 "Travel brings power and love back into your life.” - Rumi
I've just realised I've not posted since February - 2 months ago! A lot seems to have happened since then... fundraising total is now just over £4,000!! I can't believe my last post was me ecstatic about being halfway, and now I've only around £1,000 to go! Craziness. I received a grand in one week, from two trusts I wrote to a while back. I wasn't depending on any trusts to give me any money before and so I was kind of struggling for ideas on what to do to fundraise the rest of the 5K, but now I have more hope that I'll receive a little more money in the post in the next few months!

I'm hoping to do an abseil down the Forth Rail Bridge in June. Yes, that is, in fact, what I just said. It's still up in the air and not completely sorted yet, but I'm positive that it'll go ahead! It's a scary thought though. Me, suspended from that big iron bridge, hanging over deep waters, attached only by a rope (or two). Naturally, my Mother isn't 100% happy about this. However, I think it's still not quite sunk in for her yet that I'll (hopefully) be doing it - mind you, I don't even know that it's sunk in for ME yet! If I'm honest, I don't believe it will really have sunk in that I'm going away for a year, 12 months, to a distant faraway land that  have never been to before and know nothing about. I think it'll really hit home when I'm leaving Edinburgh on a train for London, or when I'm boarding the plane to Lima. Unfortunately it'll be a bit late then! 

Anyway, I have been getting my immunisations and am now sorted for Rabies, as of yesterday! I still need to get one more Hep B jag until I'm sorted for that and I'll probably need to get Yellow Fever a bit later, depending on where I'm going - talking of which, placement letters are due to arrive next month! Which is really exciting. I can't wait to find out more about where I'm going in Peru (if it even is Peru...) and what it's like to live there. It'll be so exciting to maybe get in touch with other volunteers who have been there and who are there right now. 

Apart from that, not much is happening. I've had lots of schoolwork to finish over the last few weeks and am currently on Easter holidays, so a break was well needed - it's just scary that I've only got about 3 weeks of school left before I go off on exam leave! Before I know it I'll be on the plane to Lima... 

Heather <3

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