So I thought I'd better say a few (or rather, a LOT of) thank you's at this point.
There are countless people who have donated money so it would be impossible to name you all here!
- So, first and foremost: my Mum and Dad. You have supported me in good days and bad, helped me research and write to trusts and generally just give me a kick up the backside when I didn't have the motivation to organise who was making what sandwiches for the ceilidh or who to talk to about a cake sale or to email the guy about the abseil (which, by the way, I am now not doing due to complications and the fact that I'm now finished my fundraising - but don't think of it as a cop out, I would have loved to do it! Watch this space in a few years time...I promise). It was hard work, and it paid off, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.
- Secondly, my extended family...including Lorna my sister, who has given me advice and support (even if not so much economic support - she is a student, after all) along with being a helping hand at the ceilidh and sorting out raffle tickets - it's much appreciated! My Grannie and my Nana and Grandpa, who all gave generous donations for the ceilidh, and have always been there to support me and spread the word about what I'm doing, which has, inadvertently, then raised more money for me!
- Everyone who helped at my bagpack and managed to raise £650 single-handedly. Thanks for taking those few hours out of your day (or even the whole day!) to help make it a success, which it most definitely was. You know who you are!
- Every single charitable trust who gave me any money. That made up a total of £2,700, exactly half of what I needed to raise. (for future fellow Project Trust fundraisers, I list these trusts at the bottom - I know how useful I found this whilst searching for suitable ones...even though you're told not to...)
- Anyone who came to any of my events, bought tablet, came to my ceilidh, etc. It all adds up!
- Kirkliston Primary School for letting me have a stall at your Christmas Fayre for free.
- The Mary Erskine School, who pointed out various trusts I should apply to, all of whom I then proceeded to receive money from.
- The Community Arts Fund who allowed me to use the Tom Fleming Centre for my ceilidh rent-free, which added a lot to the end profit.
- Chris Duffy who did huge amounts in terms of the organisation of the ceilidh, which was my main fundraising event and which caused me endless grief and stress but which in the end paid off when we counted up the incredible £1,300 it raised!
- Those of you who donated more than I could ever expect from anyone. That includes Sue Beedie, Elizabeth Ferguson, and my cousins Richard, Lorraine, Nikki and Alex Beedie in New Zealand to name but a few.
- And lastly, anyone who donated even a single penny. I received donations from so many people, some of whom I have never even met and don't recognise the name of. It has touched my heart that people are so generous and selfless towards someone they hardly know.
Charitable Trusts
The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust
The MES FP Guild Gap Year Fund
Independent Schools Travel Association Scholarship
The Alchemy Foundation
The Hinton Trust
The Zoe Carss Education Trust
The Tory Family Foundation
The Bryan Lancaster Trust
The Nichol Young Foundation
The Walker Family Charitable Trust
Dr Dorothy Millar Charitable Trust
Kenneth Ryden Travel Scholarship
Heather <3
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